Breaking Bad

Out of context: Reply #667

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  • mg330

    Through what we discuss here, and just my thoughts in general, I've kind of enjoyed this shift in mindset in which I pull for Walt to succeed, to realizing that he's really become a 110% bad, dangerous, uncaring, greedy criminal with lots of blood on his hands. For a while it was easy to say "but it's for money for his family," but when you add it all up, he's responsible for numerous deaths, murders he committed, the destruction of his family, and what we frequently overlook, the manufacturing of a horrible drug that completely destroys people's lives. The show is intriguing as hell, but it's only a matter of time before we're all hoping that he gets what's coming to him.

    • Tending to agree. THIS is why Bryan Cranston is so good. You love him, then he MAKES you hate him...Luda

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