
Out of context: Reply #56464

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  • sea_sea0

    for ETM and anyone else interested.. lol

    simple, we're both waiting for the same parking spot and i take it. yes i know. the thing is, it's in a weird tight angle and neither of us saw each other. so in my head, it's mine and in his head, it's his. it was an awkward situation, but clearly he got upset. i would have too i guess. i got out of the car and saw him parking 2 stalls down. i proceeded to walk into the food establishment.

    I then realize he's gonna be standing in line right behind me, i'm seriously kinda nervous. I thought I'm gonna apologize or try to say something nice. it really was no ones fault. maybe we'll laugh about it. nope, the first thing the guy says as he walks in is 'thanks for taking my spot" and what did my smart ass mouth say? " you're welcome". all intentions of clearing anything up went straight out the door. I did try to explain how we both were waiting for that spot, except we didn't see each other, which makes it "first comes, first serve sir, there are no reserved spots in this part of town". nope, he made it sound like i was the dumb bitch and well that didn't sit well with me, even then i kept my cool i think. i HATE making a scene in public. anyway, i went ahead and asked if i should go move my car for him? and said "i know you're hungry sir, it will all be done and over with in a few minutes." it was pretty childish and funny, but he wouldn't shut up!

    a few O.Em Gees later, the guy standing in front of us, is clearly fed up by him as well, turns around and says to him "it was not her fault, i saw the whole thing dude!" the white guy was pissed and turns around and leaves.

    I really felt bad, it was no ones fault, plus i know he's hungry, why else is he in a food joint. but him walking in thinking he could just say whatever he wanted to me, did not intimidate me. his sense of entitlement is what annoyed me the most. he's probably used to no one having the courage to stand up for themselves, especially not in that neighborhood.

    anyway, i still feel bad i hate confrontations, i really do. but it almost felt like i was standing up for something. fukin adrenaline man, that was intense. and no i didn't yell or make a huge scene, no fingers were swayed in the air, or phrases like "i will cut you" were thrown out. lol

    • You should've just shot him. That's what we do in this country for parking spots.CanHasQBN
    • pfff driving is too main stream.pango
    • "i will cut you in half and spill coffee on your insides"
    • Ya confronting you just made him look like a dick face. And he was a dick face.pango
    • Lol at Epango

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