paycut for quality of life?

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  • mathinc0

    Looks like my wife and are going to be forced into this sort of situation. We found out that we're being let go recently. Screwed up part is that she's due to give birth any day to our first child. We've had a pretty cushy work situation for a while, even being able to live where we want. The work we did was highly beneficial to the company and the circumstances of our release still dumbfounds me. We chose to live in a small mountain town in northern Arizona and there isn't a whole lot of industry here. Oh well, it seems like the bad things that happen never come when you want them to.

    After the shock of it all I'm actually pretty excited about the future. The company we've been working for is a family business, my family. Which makes the timing of this with the baby even more difficult to wrap our heads around. Now we're jamming to get our portfolio site up and still be prepared for the little guy. Super stressful. I've got a good side client and I'm waiting to hear if they can give me more hours once we're unemployed. There's also a big company here in our town that hires local designers for their materials, and I've heard nothing but good things about them.

    In any case we absolutely love where we live and we're going to make a go of it. Cutting expenses and giving up some pleasures we've been accustomed to. We'll probably be getting rid of one of our vehicles, canceling the gym memberships, more vegetable meals, blah blah blah. Hopefully we don't need to move. If we can balance out the money/cost end of things then I think our quality of life will be better than ever. Here's to hoping, oh and working our asses off!

    • Wow! That's intense. Good luck to you both. Least you'll have more time for the baby.monkeyshine
    • Definitely! Things will work out. At the very least we'll have the little guy and the mountains. Pure happiness.mathinc

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