Jesus Fuck.

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • exador10

    years ago, when i worked in advertising, stuff like this generally happened at least every other month....
    thankfully we had a decent couch at the office to sleep on...
    but generally it was: work all night, maybe around 5 or 6am grab 2 hours of sleep on the couch...then by the time 9am rolled around, back to work...

    just part of the deal of working in that particular office....
    it sucked. but that's life.
    not the kind of thing i'd do now, but in my early 20's it seemed like it was just the way work went sometimes....

    i now, of course, realize it's more to do with the fact that people in their early 20's can be manipulated into doing all sorts of stupid shit like that....try asking a 40 year old with a family at home to stay all night at the office....prooooobably not going to happen....

    • I work for a CD who is 44 and has no limit to how far he'll bend over for the puniest AE whim.CyBrainX
    • bosses of all ages can do this...if your agency is desperate, shit like this happens, otherwise not so muchvaxorcist

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