Move into 3D

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  • RustyStew0

    Thanks guys, I'll check out blender for sure (free always comes with a price though right :). Definitely looking to try before I buy as much as possible.

    I have had some experience with sketchup, it is fairly easy to create stuff in it, but it seems better for mock up of displays, environmental graphics, ect. Doesn't seem to be there for finished art. I'm probably missing a lot as I haven't dabble too much into it.

    Not played with Blender, I'll pull that down and see whats up.

    C4D looks promising, the "Prime" version sounds like it was developed specifically for print designers moving into 3D. Wish I was still a student. I'll just have to check and see what the requirements are.

    Maya sounds like it is way more than I need.

    @monnom I've actually done a bit with web. Interface design, back end development (PHP, booooring), and some front end dev. Though, I keep hitting a wall with the fact that my job doesn't give me tons of opportunity to apply any dev skills consistently. So every time I need them, I feel like I'm re-learning a large part of it. Those skills are there, and once I get a job where web development is part of it, that will fall into place fairly quickly. With 3D, I feel like I would be able to integrate it more consistently into what I'm already doing. Only time will really tell though.

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