Why Advertising?

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • vaxorcist0

    not to rant forever... but in many cases, the powerpoint wizards / business case pitch people are non-creatives selling the concept and business case to people who are themselves non-creatives, and the end result is like people who don't know bicycles selling 2 wheeled devices to people who don't know bicycles... but with often rather big budgets....

    Powerpoint uber-alles sometimes... and the result.. well, not always bad...

    One thing VERY SMART agencies are good at... (and not always) is finding a central insight into the target market's mindset and buying motivations, then hitting that pretty hard, but that's not always the case... but sometimes they are good at this .... especially for TV and smart print ads, not so much interactive...

    Interactive for some agencies is just a billing factory in a way, whereas previously they'd get 15% of the media buy, when they're making a huge website or flash monstrosity with mobile app tie-ins, they're getting "all" of whatever the client spends on that, minus whatever they pay the army of freelancers.. so hazy specs may be profitable sometimes in the short run....

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