
Out of context: Reply #56329

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  • georgesIII0

    love the concept…
    I'd been thinking of the zombie apocalypse all my life- like any 20-something year old man. And what would you expect? Zombies have infected-- pun unintended-- our media to the point where they're their own genre. Dead Island, Left 4 Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Zombieland and a million other zombie movies and games had all gotten me prepared for the zombie apocalypse ten times over. I weighed my chances realistically, thinking I'd be fodder and the first one eaten.

    I wasn't so lucky.

    When the outbreak reached an international scale, it was too late. I'd planned everything- survival kits, triage kits, food that could withstand all kinds of shit and be cooked in an instant, several firearms, a baseball bat, machete- hell, even some throwing knives. All in all, I'd had about 50 pounds of gear in case World War III broke out, or some other global catastrophe.

    I'd always hoped for zombies. I'd always hoped I'd be the one who would fight off droves of screaming, shambling horrors running for me, taking them out one by one with a desert eagle while the rest of my "crew" encourages me to get into a safe zone. Hollywood brainwashed me into thinking the end would be just a lot of flailing limbs and gunshots.

    No one ever thought they would talk.

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