
Out of context: Reply #56193

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  • moldero0

    so last night after failed shoot because the Mexican feds couldn't show up for the shoot because they had some big bust, i was driving from the shoot location to my house with all my gear, lights, cameras, jib and 12 kilos of prop cocaine where I encountered the typical Mexican federal checkpoint (its for drunk drivers and narcos) they glanced in the back of my truck and let me go, i completely forgot about the prop cocaine in the back of the truck until a few seconds after I pulled away. it would have been really interesting if they decided to search.

    • What color does prop cocaine turn with a test kit?waterhouse
    • hahahascarabin
    • its just foam cubes wrapped in saran wrap, but im sure i would have been at machine gunpoint with a rifle but in my eye a few times before they even tested the stuffmoldero
    • times b4 they even touched the stuffmoldero

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