Stedelijk Museum Logo

Out of context: Reply #44

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  • tank020

    So if you have a different opinion other than liking this logo, you have 'no clue'. Great. I stick with my previous comment. This is minimalism for the sake of it. I'm the first to defend a system, I never look at the mark alone. But this just doesn't do if for. First of all its badly set, which is a trend now. That trend is not good. I'm a design director and I have to work with this many stuff generation. On its own they make all this kind of work, its a trick, like the 45 degree arrow or the drips from way back. They can't apply themselves in rational way to different clients. BUT you can't critique because than you get the response: 'you have no clue'. I do have a clue. I love typography, logo marks and branding. I'm the guy who buys old books of Yasaburo Kuwayama, Paul Ibou or Lou Dorfsmann. You should really read how they see our profession. The problem with this 'fake minimalism' its applied to every client and everything looks the same. And that is the opposite of what we suppose to do.

    • I second that emotion.Sharpkid
    • Oh, and I don't like the logo.Sharpkid
    • +1 the ManyStuff hipster aesthetic has a lot to answer forBaskerviIle
    • I blame hort.bumdrizzle
    • Your return key, please use it.set
    • Is that your only remark set? Pretty weak.tank02

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