work ≠ personal satisfaction

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • jtb260

    If we're talking self expression I would agree. That is not a reasonable expectation.

    I guess that's where I feel differently. When / if the client shits on my work and my heart gets broken and my soul is crushed I take solace in knowing that I put everything I had into it. It becomes the clients failing and not my own.

    I feel like it's good to fight the good fight right up until you know the client just doesn't give a shit. Clearly you have to avoid being belligerent and maintain respect for the relationship.

    If the best case is that you have to compromise with the client every now and then, and the worst case is that once in awhile you have a complete dick of a client – I feel like there's room in there for personal satisfaction.

    If I were trying to decide the culture of a design firm I would risk a few broken hearts and make with the kleenex over asking folks to put aside professional or even personal satisfaction.

    Do you draw distinctions between professional and personal satisfaction? For me they are kind of interwoven.

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