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Out of context: Reply #15

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    great work bud, very sexy and very stylish.

    Some comments :

    -a link on ur phone number?
    -416? is that in canada?
    -Enveloppe vs phone number, either u have a lil phone icon for the phone number or u have the e-mail adress witten, would be moe "homogenius" (is that a word?)
    -(Note before comment, I am not racist at all!, I even love multi-culturism, everything thats different I love.) There are like 5 pics of white ppl, and they are all in b&w, intentionnal?, otherwise we notice many black folks which maybe suggests a line of work u specialize in, maybe good, maybe bad, .... or maybe i have no idea what im talking about ... lol

    anyways thats about it, maybe some more info on you, like where u live, a brief history, maybe even ur resume, although the folios says a lot!, and the important guys viewing it prolly have ur resume in hand, BUT THATS NOT IMPORTANT , .... anyways just random thoughts llike that, I love your work really groovy stuff.


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