Vote: set for mod

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • set0

    Hmmm random! Thanks for the vote of confidence 2002 but I have no interest in moderating Qbn anymore. I was moderating for a while but the owners don't seem to care one way or the other and I'm starting to feel the same way. I don't visit Qbn half as much as I used to, and deleting spam while I'm here is not on my preferred things to do.

    Don't forget there is one moderator at work, they're doing as good a job as one person can who has to sleep and have a life outside of moderating an Internet forum...

    You also need to remember that as much as anyone makes threads and emails and anti-spam plees... JK (owner) clearly couldn't give a shit. I would be fair and say maybe he just doesn't have the time but it's not hard to simply give a few old timers moderator powers.

    Thanks but.... Meh.

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