Web design: the new print

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  • ukit20

    Specialization makes sense in the corporate world because you are just a cog in the machine. It's great for the company to have a specialist who only knows how to do one thing, but not necessarily so helpful when you want to set off on your own.

    I think there's a lot of value to be gained from having more than one area of expertise, especially when it relates to what you are already doing. I'm always surprised by designers who lack the curiosity to learn or just give up when it comes to anything technical.

    • I agree with you, and am sort of a generalist myself, BUT to do something new well takes time to learn/research. I'm finding that all projects are such a rush that I cant deliver anymore and do the necessary learning.Josev
    • that all projects are such a rush that I cant deliver anymore and do the necessary learning.Josev
    • learn on your own time. you can't expect someone else to pay for your education.monNom
    • I didnt say I expect client to pay for my learning. I also do take the time to learn on my own time. I meant there's little time to research how to solve a problem at times. That's where specialists come in handy.Josev
    • to learn on my own time. I meant there's little time to research how to solve a problem at times. That's where specialists come in handy.Josev
    • specialists benefit.Josev
    • i take a couple months out a year for personal projects always tech based, 2009: AS3, 2010: Objective C, 2011: HTML5...kingsteven
    • HTML5. It Keeps me sane (i can actually enjoy my work) and on top of agency / studio partner lists.kingsteven

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