Ipad questions

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    yooooo craig!
    i certainly did decide and I'm now the happy owner of an iPad 2.

    (when you say note 10.1, I'm guessing you mean the samsung galaxy tab 10.1)

    it was a very tough choice but the overall smoothness of the iPad interface clinched it in the end. I do however much prefer the android system approach in terms of openness, which is why i was quite disappointed in the responsiveness and smoothness* of the tegra 2 tablets (by comparison). including the asus transformer which is thought to be the one of, if not THE best of that tegra 2 bunch. in reviews the asus transformer is said to be the smoothest of the tegra 2 tablets. sadly i didn't get to have a go on samsung galaxy tab 10.1.

    *And when i talk of the smoothness / responsiveness differences they aren't worlds apart, but it does naturally affect the overall experience.

    Im sure if i had an asus transformer i would be extremely happy, but when put side by side i preferred the smoothness of the iPad.

    I do actually prefer the 4:3 ratio of the iPad, but you lose out on the higher res of the android tablets hd 1280x720 at the 16:9 ratio. android is naturally a better ratio for movie watching, but for web browsing the 4:3 seems better to me.

    difference between iPad 3 and iPad 2 to me are quite minor, i won't be upgrading at all. the screen is adequate on the iPad 2 and i love it being jailbroken, something the 3 won't get for a long time.

    [lengthy reply...]

    I actually found my iPad a little annoying until i got it jailbroken, it felt very locked down, like when you want to play a video someone has emailed you, or extract certain files, but after jailbreak it was loads better. not to mention how horrific iTunes is on windows. once jailbroken you never have to touch it again, i use ifunbox now, its a free simple fast little program.

    Flash isn't really too much of an issue, i use iswifter when i need to see flash content on the iPad, which isn't all that often. however it still doesnt fix the fact that iOS doesn't support flash without any actual reason for not having flash, i can kinda see the why with the first gen iOS devices in regards to flash draining battery, but modern devices can easily handle it.

    Also why does a company think they can tell you what you can and cannot view online. Its like a company said "check out our new tablets, they're great...no no you can't view images, that drains too much battery". when in actual fact they are just saying that their devices are inadequate to give you full internet.

    But regardless of all of those annoyances and embarrassingly pretentious adverts and keynote speeches (which encourage their products to sell like hot cakes), i still prefer the iPad 2 to the likes of the asus transformer, mostly because of the responsiveness and smoothness. regardless of all the tasteless ads and promo videos, the products are still great and i shouldn't let those factors taint my enjoyment of the product, but as a brand you kinda can't help it.

    The sad thing with android generally is that i could purchase an asus transformer, take it home and improve its responsiveness and smoothness by putting a custom operating system (referred to as a rom), which is great, but why can't it ship with a very smooth rom pre installed.

    I'd like to think hardware advances with tegra 2 etc would mean that the interface smoothness would improve, but it still isn't quite as nice as the iPad.

    I've yet to try ice cream sandwich so I'm unsure as to how much improve the overall experience is with the new tablets. I'd love to see how its improved though, particularly with the quad core tegra 3, should be awesome.

    • well, Adobe killed Flash for mobile now.ernexbcn
    • That they have ernex. But I'm sure thing would be different if ios devices supported flash.Hombre_Lobo

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