Speaking Extemporaneously

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • jtb260

    Rupedixon - So it's 1/2 about presenting to clients. I want to be able to excel at that, and usually with one or two people I can hold my own - anywhere north of 5 tend to lose my grip a bit.

    The other half is that I'm on my local AIGA board, and moving into a leadership position. Which means I get to open up events and speak to rather large groups. Ex: We threw an event last night and I opened it up. There isn't anyone who knows the event details better than myself - i set a lot of it up. I could tell you all the upcoming events etc. But I got to the podium and I'm came off all nervous and ridiculous. I'm sure I just need practice, but I really thought my skills from playing in a band in front of large groups would have translated. Without a guitar I'm afraid I'm hopeless! :)

    The reason I thought about taking a class is that I don't want to flop with actual clients - because I don't know how much rope I have with my CD. So outside practice would be useful I think.

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