OS X Mountain Lion

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • prophetone0

    How's about they fix the iOS 5 iPad2 wifi fiasco? Long and short of it - I have a router that my iPad 1, iPhone 4, PS3, Powerbook, Macbook, Windoze laptop, Newton, Speak 'n Spell all recognize and connect without fail. The iPad 2 refuses to connect even though it shows it's connected. Tried zillions of combinations in my router settings. There's a 90+ page thread in the Apple Support forums about it and no solutions, except to await a new iOS update of course. Which has been overdue for like 3 months now. First world problems in the house yo.

    • return iPad 2 or get a new router?ernexbcn
    • dozens of minions did the return and swap and all with issues again. router is telus standard issue.prophetone
    • my options are wait patiently for ios update like a mac wizardboy or get an airport express and piggy back...prophetone
    • my beef is why should i spend $$$ when it's clearly an ipad2 hissy fit. all the othere devices are like whatevs... connectedprophetone
    • the whole point of this device is to be able to go forth into the wild and grab wifi abroad, anywhere...prophetone
    • but instead it's likely a snobby supermodel who doesn't want extra 802.11n on her mocha frap 'n freaks outprophetone
    • first world problems i haveprophetone

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