Camera advice

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  • robotron3k0

    my gf has the 5D, it weighs so much she can barely pick it up. I've got the GH2 with the driftwood hack that is incredible. the hack is easy, just copy to the sd card and reboot and its done. now i really can pust my 14mm pancake in low light. here is a video sample of the hack, it's pretty unbelievable.

    • can you zoom in and out while recording video?74LEO
    • what exactly does the hack do?74LEO
    • yes, during recording. also will track auto focus. the hack allows you to control settings for light, speed etcrobotron3k
    • 5D is nice but well out of my price range is it the eos technology that makes it more than the sx30?74LEO
    • there are many varieties of hack, some push to area of red camera, you can also defaut back to org settings.robotron3k
    • great thanks!74LEO

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