Working on the client side

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • vaxorcist0

    hmm.. I did this once, some time ago..

    1.Is this a new position, or an existing one?

    2. Is this a case where the client is hiring inside staff to REPLACE the work done by an outside agency, due to some business concern like cost, time, flexibility, direction / control / answer-ability?

    3. Is this a case where the client is hiring inside staff to do some of the inside work and to be a direction-keeper for outside agencies and freelancers that you will now control?

    I was hired in a "case #2" above situation, as I found out when I got there that they mistrusted their vendors, felt like they were taken for a ride, and yes they were in some ways, but not how they thought they were. It was an interesting gig, but I did find out the HUGE importance of maintaining internal political good-will, as my friendly boss left and I had a suddenly more difficult environment.

    Also note that you may be a rock star with authority for the first 6 weeks or so, after that, you'll hopefully have set some expectations well, because you'll be more of a local resource and "ordinary worker" suddenly, something that's odd if you're from agency/freelance background...

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