Street Photography Camera

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • Hombre_Lobo0


    Yeh man the nex 5n is a stunning camera. Some people hate its design and ergonomics, but i have normal sized hands and i really like it. The chunky grip makes it easy to hold for a small camera. In fact the Nex C3 has a slimmer grip and feels awful.

    In regards to that flickr pool, yeh your right, its hard to judge image pool pictures. Particularly with the nex 5n becuase 90% of the photos i clicked on to view were using old manual focus lenses. A lot of decent old school manual focus photographers saw the awesomeness of the nex 5n sensor and jumped on it as a cheap leica, so naturally the majority of those users are gonna be more experienced at photography than the average.

    So I would recommend searching "nex 5n kit lens" -…
    (which still show some great pics)

    I'm very jealous dude. I would love a nex 5n. Just dont forget -
    -the 16mm f2.8 is unuseable at 2.8 (but ok at 3.5 and good at 4), thankfully the crazy good high iso wont make noise levels an issue here
    -There is no RAW bracketing as far as i know, only jpeg

    Also the camera sometimes overheats in video mode (just like the canon DSLR's do), but it isnt a bother from what ive seen, it can do so it after about 20 minutes at around 20 degrees C. So for long length filming the nex 5n isnt a great choice, but 90% of people rarely shoot for longer than a few minutes at any one time.

    The in camera HDR functions are great and very customizable (im not sure if you can shoot RAW along side this though).

    The wide angle adapter looks ace, called the VCL-ECU1.

    (gives you 12mm, which is 18mm in 35mm terms)

    And lets not forget you could potentially add the BEST electronic view finder ever made at a later date -

    (leica lens perhaps at a much later date!)

    And lets not forget that you can do some serious high quality night / star photography thanks to that awesome sensor -

    source -…

    So you bought it yet??

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