Photography portfolio crit

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • NonEntity0

    hmmm, okay for what it's worth (not more than two cents!), if it was down to me I'd hilight:

    Boy and Condor
    Fiesta San Pedro, Plaza San Pedro
    Chickens in Granada
    Guatemalan women in San Andreas Xecul
    Women selling chickens in Chichicastenango
    man sets up his market stool in Chichicastenango
    woman in butchers behind meat in Oaxaca
    lady selling traditional dress. Guatemala
    Hogar, masks with a group of girls
    100 meter pool, Hotel Arribas

    —  they really work on many levels (they stand on their own, they'd be just as strong without any text info)

    I'd leave out stuff like the tucan and Playa Cocles, the straight market vendor shots, the tele shots of the horses, that sort of thing — because although they're very nice holiday shots they dont have the extra level of meaning.

    Toodle pip

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