car purchase advice

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • BattleAxe0

    ask things like how much will you take for it, they bs that they wont budge from ticket price , but just be bullish, these people dont know you nor will you see them again so be firm

    then make your offer to leave room to haggle , most dealers wont' let a deal go if its a $1500+- swing

    also is there any other dealers with same car? gives you leverage , if you can just walk out and look else where

    if they swing things there way maybe try perks , a free tint job, full gas, etc

    imports will be pricy come maitanence time so make sure you understand what is and what is not covered under new car warranty

    Gap coverage they might offer you , covers depreciation value of your car should it be stolen or totaled ( knocks on wood) we took it on ours

    i have left the lot with free tint , $1000 off , full gas

    don't be nice and friendly with sales person they are not your friend

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