Which tablet?

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  • fyoucher10

    Kindle Fire if you're getting it for your "folks". It's $200. iPad is overkill for them. If your folks are suit-and-tie type folks, they probably already own an iphone, blackberry, or already have an ipad. If they don't already own either of them, they're probably not even "emailing" (in quotes for some reason). They'll likely use it for viewing YouTube videos of your children growing up. Or reading a book that's being shared by their book club. Or Googling a recipe. Or trying to use Facebook. ALL OF WHICH THE KINDLE FIRE DOES :)

    Regarding performance: This is your folks we're talking about (I'd guess they're either in their 50's - 70's). To them, it's so futuristic-ally technological; they'll think it's blazing fast.

    About being productive on a tablet: Tablets are NOT productive. Typing on one is crap compared to a laptop. You can attach a keyboard to it but at that point why not just use a laptop, defeats the entire purpose of a tablet. I have an iPad. I use it for email, reading RSS, watching NetFlix / HBO Go / YouTube, and occasionally playing Angry Birds. That's it. I can't see myself designing on one or doing any real work on one, sorry. My wife, who is a HR Manager (deals with Excel spreadsheets, Word, all that boring productive crap you would say you would be using it for to be productive; still uses a laptop for being productive and mainly uses her iPad2 for media consumption. To be perfectly honest, I don't see tablets being for anything more than --> media consumption; what the Kindle Fire is made for. No extras added on and why it costs a third of the price of the cheapest iPad. The one caveat I can think of, is that it doesn't include a camera to do things like FaceTime; which would be nice if your folks live far away and you want to be able to chat face to face with them. But then again, it is worth an extra $400 just to do that? I can totally see the Kindle Fire being a MAJOR competitor to the iPad in the months to come (or even overcoming it in popularity).

    At $200, it'll be hard to beat. Especially in this economy.

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