Which tablet?

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • d_rek0


    That's the entire problem summed up, isn't it? People just need to understand that the devices are really are marketed towards wholly different ends. I didn't buy a kindle fire thinking it was going to be an iPad. I bought a kindle fire because it's a kindle fire. I have no complaints. My fiancee loves the thing. She's been using it non-stop since she got it.

    Personally, I could see myself upping to the iPad2 (or 3, whenever that's released) because I would benefit from the integration in the rest of my digital lifestyle. My fiancee on the otherhand, put simply, does not.

    Again, we're really very two different target audiences for two different products. Apples to Oranges people.

    • I see, you're agreeing that a Kindle Fire isn't a tablet; apples and orangesmonospaced

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