headshot critique

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • nb0

    The first image in the original post is much stronger than the others.

    Here's why:
    • Depth of field makes her right eye appear very sharp, without obscuring the other eye, or ear.
    • Nice wrap lighting, the light is focused on her face
    • Shadow from the nose matches the corner of the mouth and corners of the eyes in shape.
    • Proper placement of "cinema" highlights in the pupils.
    • Good overall balance, the subject is anchored in the frame.

    The other images don't have these^ qualities.

    The only things I don't like about the first one is the lack of detail in her hair (from underexposure) and her hand over her mouth is unnecessary and hurts the composition.

    • thanks for the comment, some good stuff in there.. I'm not exactly what you'd call experienced so this is a helpfulhuw_cy

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