Apple Exec bonuses

Out of context: Reply #44

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  • raf0

    With Jobs gone, how do you keep the morale up and ensure the company doesn't fall apart? I am pretty sure it was Jobs' idea to solidify core management team just when they might want to fly away.

    Take those people away and the company starts to slide down. Those are the people who know Apple plans for the future. They have been working on products we'll buy in a few years. They know how Apple structures work and how to implement them. Put them in competing companies and they reorganise the whole industry.

    More than that: through their public performances in Apple shows they became recognizable media figures. Put Forstall on television and you have a top tech show in an instant. Make him a PR speaker for Asus and all the eyes are on him (bulged like his). They are recognizable, trusted figures.

    I am sure headhunters with suitcases full of money have been circling around them for some time already. Just look at how Google and Facebook fish for programmers.

    It's a lot of money but I think they're worth more than that, both to Apple and to the competition. It is pittance if you look at it from a perspective: it's less than 2% of the company net income for the last year alone and their shares are spread over a longer time.
    They have earned this money... actually, will still have to earn over that time.

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