Breaking Bad

Out of context: Reply #455

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  • epill0

    spoliers and rants from here on..

    that was all unexpected. it felt good to see that kind of thing so close to halloween or was it just to tweak our pallettes to the walking dead that starts next week.. who knows.. seeing jesse be happy and emotional was great, but i also feel that if walt didnt admit to gus having to go even though he didnt poison the kid jesse might of felt that gus isnt really so bad.. it is walt who is the real terror.. a bomb to a hospital parking lot, a bomb in a hospital, a bomb into an intensive care ward for pediactrics, a bomb whose magnet sticks to the elevator, a bomb inches away from the cops, a bomb in an old folks home, a bomb that kills 3. walt also shot more than 1 person, ran over one other guy, trapped a guy in his camper, melted more than a few guys, killed a few henchmen.. man walt is the villain of the story.. and when he tells skyler he wins and the music comes in and the clouds painted on the walls of the roof made it feel so..great!! but what the hell?? ewwwwy gus is ewwwwy!!!

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