Stupid Client requests:

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • 33 Responses
  • bjladams0

    "hey, we've just sold our domain name - can you transfer it to to the new owner"

    "actually, we own that domain and lease it to you yearly, it's in the contract, you just renewed last month for the upcoming year. if you'd like to buy it from us, the price is also in the contract."

    "hmm, well, we sold if for less that what you're buy-off price is... we don't want to lose money here... how can you help us make money with this?"

    "perhaps you should let the new owner know that you don't actually own it, and direct them to us. we can probably save them money by letting them assume your old contract"

    "no can do, we've already billed them, cashed the check, and spent the money- we'll need a different option, thanks. you just send them a copy of the url or password anyway, right? - look forward to hearing back"

    "basically, yes - we send them a photo of a thumbs-up expression, which gives them the go-ahead to use the domain. then we pinky-promise and spit on the ground and turn and walk our separate ways. how much did you sell it for, i'll see what we can work out."

    "we went with the go daddy price of 9.99"

    "i think you should give them their money back..."

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