piracy fine

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • Dodecahedron0

    I've never considered file sharing pirating. Pirating is like bootlegging, its those guys on the streets who make tapes and DVDs of movies and sell them while they're still in theatres... I don't think there are many of them around anymore. The biggest culprits these days aren't the file sharers its the big websites who are profiting from redistributing the files with advertising. There are plenty of non-profit community orientated torrent sites out there.

    Its also not stealing. Technically and legally its NOT stealing so don't keep thinking that. There is no physical loss or even a demonstrated loss in revenue because of downloading a movie. Digital technology has altered the entertainment landscape, its the nature of beast so to speak. The major copyright holding companies aren't letting us know that they are secretly very interested in file sharing, it has expanded their audience base to a major degree they just have to change their business plans. They are playing two faced, blaming the consumers as usual while figuring out ways to take advantage of them.

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