Client Created Magazine

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • vaxorcist0

    Before I begin my rant, I should ask.... is the client a business-to-business salesperson-driven company? If so, let them do it and limit your time on this.....

    Otherwise, I have to remember a very wise account person once telling me that for a brand-driven company, "the definition of quality is the absence of non-quality signals"

    This means that anything badly designed tarnishes the whole brand's effort... like trying to sell a car with a gash in the dashboard, that's all most buyers will remember, no matter how good the engine is, you'll have to cut the price a lot....

    OK, possibly for an annual report or a "contractual obligation" newsletter....

    Do you have an account staff? If they let this slip past them, they owe you a HUGE apology and a beer and a strong indication that they're looking for new clients....

    If you have an account staff and they've not done that, then they're not dealing well with the situation with the client..


    People on the client side ask for things like this in order to BYPASS YOUR AGENCY... so somebody is feeling that they're not being heard, that they need to do stuff faster, that something is missing in this business relationship.... and it's often not just butt-kissing, but something structural, like too many meetings with the wrong people and not enough short concise meetings with the right ones.....

    sorry for the rant, but this is more of a sign than a request for me....

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