Sons of Anarchy

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • TheBlueOne0

    "I've seen all three seasons but you lost me with Kozik."

    Well, I mean the whole thing is a riff on Hamlet. Jax is Hamlet, Clay is Claudius, Gemma is Gertrude, JOhn Teller's letters serve as Hamlet's dad's ghost, etc. So, I'm fully expecting everyone to be dead at the end of the final season..and you need a Fortinbras who comes in at the end. The final episodes of the 3rd season seems to set him up as the outsider who will be King - he's the only SOA guy with a hint of integrity - i.e. not willing to step into being patched unless it's done the right way. I'm guessing Opie will be the Laertes character when it comes to it, and somehow Clay will manipulate some sort of showdown between him and Jax in the end. Or maybe not. I mean it is a Hamlet riff for sure, but Sutter is playing fast and loose with it as well.

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