No More Computer Games

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • detritus0

    Thank God.

    All the games that I've enjoyed over the past few years haven't come from the megabuck stable, which as far as I'm concerned only outputs CGI-intensive, adolescent-narrative, lowest-common denomonator tat.

    Though perhaps you're simply referring to the console market... from everything I've been exposed to over the past few years, the PC market finally seems to be getting back to its roots... enabling indie production design through online sales channels (with, admittedly, more than a little seepage into the XBox marketplace, but not primarily).

    Losing the megabucks merely means people have to focus on extracting the most fun from the newest technologies... which is exactly what's happening.. people are making the most of physics and dynamic graphic apis, as well as the increasing capacities of networks and multiplayer options, to create games that weren't even physically possible a few years ago.

    Pathways for evolutionary success require hardship, require constraints and filter points. Gaming, from the gamer's perspective, will only improve.

    The only people who stand to lose are those in the business of megabucking production houses (the money-sucking weasels who run EA, et al) and those Game-like experience Consumers who want the equivalent of the Hollywood Summer Blockbuster, in all its saccharine stupidity, blazing from their 64" LCD gogglebox.

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