China: design a “national priority.”

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • fresnobob0

    @lowimpakt - Yeah, they did develop industry rather quickly, but thats because it was already invented by the rest of the world, they just had to pick up on it! Compare the risse of China to the rise of the US. The US was formed and almost immediately became an economic and cultural power. China, on the other hand has had plenty of time to develop, but instead chose to wallow in things like totalitarian political systems which totally fucked them and now they are struggling to catch up.

    Like, for example, I noticed on the Beijing Design Week website there is a lecture series about how intellectual property rights and copyrights need to be strictly enforced and its not good to share ideas. Uh, woah dude! That is like totally opposite the rest of the creative thinking in the world today. China has so much infringement of that sort going on that they seemingly have to hate sharing ideas before they can again begin to love sharing ideas. Thats a big barrier, to flip ideologies that many times.

    Anyways, I think China needs to first have a society that permits and encourages the free exchange of ideas before they will be able to become the cultural powerhouse being implied. They may have the money, but their ideas are not going to be spread unless they are freely permitted to spread.

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