Let the battle begin..

Out of context: Reply #19

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    FB isn't going anywhere any time soon, for the very simple fact that ā€“ despite the hits they've taken on the subject in the last couple of years ā€“ the privacy settings are very comprehensive. If you don't want the world to know via search engine that you've got an FB profile, then you're able to ensure this through the settings.

    G+, on the other hand, requires you to be visible to the world and searchable. This was the deal-breaker for me, even if it's just my name that's visible. I don't necessarily want all and sundry to be able to find my social networking profile via search engine, and Google isn't delivering on my privacy needs.

    So, until FB decides to go the same route and take away my ability to control my privacy to this degree, I see no reason to ditch it, much less create a G+ profile.

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