Android to own 50% of smartphone marketshare by 2012

Out of context: Reply #54

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  • Boz0

    patent trolls will always be there and Microsoft and Apple are 2 top ones. Unfortunately that's the reality and why these guys are truly bad for progress and innovation. Microsoft owns a shit load of patents. About 25,000 of them. I think HTC pays Microsoft $3 for each Android phone. What's ironic is that Microsoft makes more money from Android than WP7. Says a lot of about their "innovation".

    Wait till you see how awesome it's gonna be since Apple, Microsoft, RIM and a few others ganged up to buy Nortel patents just so they can patent troll harder.

    When you can't innovate try to milk money from patents you bought. Either way it's irrelevant to anyone. Until patent system changes this sabotaging and dirty tactics to try to fight competition is here to stay.

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