Swiffy: swf to html5

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • ukit0

    You guys are missing the point...it's not about what does or doesn't crash the browser or which technology motion tweens more smoothly.

    The reason all these big technology companies are getting on board with standards-based approach is because it gives them something they lacked with Flash, control. They want to be able to develop these technologies at their own pace and not be beholden to Adobe's release schedule.

    If you want proof of how this works just look at the fact that only NOW is Adobe coming out with robust mobile version of their plugin. They dragged their feet for years but once HTML5 became a reality and Jobs started talking about Flash being dead did they actually get around to it. Only now that WebGL is emerging are we seeing a true 3D version of Flash, despite the fact that Papervision was introduced years ago.

    Adobe having a monopoly on this stuff is in no one's interests but their own...and that's really what is driving all this. All the talk about browser compatibility issues (which will be resolved soon enough) is pretty superficial in comparison.

    • yes they want an open environmentjadrian_uk
    • ONLY now the mobile is even getting proper HTML support wtf are you talking about. Nobody cared about mobile before.. and HTML5/JS doesn't even work great now nor does it have true multi-touch support..Boz
    • mobile before.. and HTML5/JS doesn't even work great now nor does it have true multi-touch support..Boz
    • The point is using the best tool possible and you get MORE control out of Flash in most cases.CyBrainX

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