NY Post blocks web access for iPad users

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • ukit0

    "This whole open web initiative has created a mess that there is not solution to."

    Sure there is, the solution is just called...better web standards support. Think back a year ago, hardly any browsers supported HTML5. Now you have support for at least some of these new capabilities in all major browsers including IE, and the whole thing is gradually reaching critical mass.

    We shouldn't mistake a necessary period of companies getting on board with these features as being a "new browser war." The 90s era was really an example of browser makers introducing their proprietary features on their own and having the features that won out being written into the standard after the fact.

    Whereas now, with a couple of exceptions like the video codec disagreement, there is a detailed roadmap that everyone agrees on. Does that mean features become available cross-browser instantly and that there are no occasional disagreements to be worked out? Of course not. But it's far from a clusterfuck, just a necessary transition.

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