NY Post blocks web access for iPad users

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • Boz0

    bingo.. as I mentioned before that "open web" approach will always basically mean every company wants their browser to be dominant and will produce stuff that works best with their browser and their underlying platforms which leads to shit like coding 5 version of CSS and JS features and whatever so it will run on different browsers etc.

    What I find really ironic is that shitting on Flash being a plugin that works across ALL browsers pretty much equally, we are now being spoon fed this bullshit where plugin dependence is EVIL and depending for everything through a browser (which is really like a huge ass plugin but that's not ubiquitous at all like Flash plugin and very much platform dependent). Just because something is open in spec and treated as open (without licensing) doesn't mean it's good nor will lead to progress.

    This is rebooting 1990s all over again with fragmentation, app models and so on. And while the technologies to create content might be open, the actual implementations and support is NOT which is even worse then having a plugin like Flash that works everywhere and that you can alternatively block.

    Apple doesn't like Web.. It's not in their interest if you look at it from a business standpoint. They have huge hate for Flash, they are trying to take web apps and put them on their platform exclusively so they can sell more hardware and make money from the sales cuts. And we are seeing that happening more and more for IOS platform.

    On the other hand as you pointed out Toxic, we will be seeing labels again (best working with Firefox, or best working in Chrome or best experienced on IE9/IE10).. This was the shit we got out of with IE6 and Flash solved.

    Now they are trying to get back to that model again.

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