NY Post blocks web access for iPad users

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  • ToxicDesign0

    Well one thing I've noticed recently when watching the GoogleIO event when they rolled out this site called RO.ME, as a way to demonstrate their "better than the rest" browser tech,was how you HAD to view the site in Google Chrome; it struck as funny since it seems we are now coming full-circle again and are (about) to experience all the web/browser/app fragmentation we had to deal with 10 odd years ago, i.e. "This Site is Best Viewed in Netscape!" and the like...

    I think we are at another crossroads where all the major players are coming to-a-head, jockeying for position with their own respective agendas, and we as designers, as developers are the little expendable pawns getting wip-lash...

    Another funny thought I had recently was about that video-clip of Microsoft's Balmer jumping up and down across the stage yelling, "Developer!", "Developer!", "Developer!" (you know that video, the one kids love to hate on), and how, you know, that dude was at least honest! At least in the sense that he KNEW who he had to appeal/suck-off/convince etc. because it IS the developers (+/ designers) who make or brake a particular tech/platform etc..

    Regarding this NY Post iPad jive. I'm not surprised in the least. Apple is giving what these old-school (or any school for that matter) Content Providers want -- a uniform, closed, cohesive experience that they can wrap up in a nice little bow and charge money for. And that bow is Ipad/Iphone/IOS.


    • Exactly! No matter how impressive all this open web stuff looks it's going to be fragmented as fuckBoz
    • but I think that's kind of off topic.Boz

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