F***ing Cyst

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • autoflavour0

    i had one on my lower back for about 2 years.. i never bothered taking it to the doctor.. every so often i would get bored and try and pop it..
    but nothing would ever happen except a bunch of pain..

    then one day, i tried and it was like a fucking geyser . i almost puked..

    till this day, when i feel where it was, there is still a little indentation..

    anyway, point of the story is, i like turtles

    • seriously tho, just go to the doctor.. its much quicker and less painful im sure..autoflavour
    • or you can make a youtube video of it poppingautoflavour
    • yes...exactly
    • I lol'd at the endacrossthesea
    • < Me too (had a cyst removed + LOLed at punchline)NonEntity

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