girlfriend not supportive?

Out of context: Reply #51

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  • shellie0

    First, I'm going to assume you guys live together because if you don't -- she's pressuring you to take some really big steps.

    I don't know about the whole having children situation because I don't have any. But, I do have a close friend who's a single mom and she just broke up with her boyfriend that's been around her son for a few years now. I see how that effected the family. I think it's a good thing she ended it sooner rather than later so her son can hurry up and move on, too. In my opinion, if you're dating a single mom and you're in a serious relationship with her and her kids, it seems to me that you owe something to the family by not jerking them around the country. You chose to be with them didn't you? It'd be a different conversation I suppose if you were relocating her and her kids to New York, and you were going to be taking care of her transition, schools for the kids, etc. YOu know kind of being the man of the house.

    On the other hand, my boyfriend chose a very risky line of work, career and aspirations. I knew that when we met 5 years ago. So, we're still happy in that risk together. If I decide to do something that takes us somewhere else now, he kind of owes it to me to be flexible. But, that flexibility and "live on a whim" sensibility is pretty much the glue of our relationship and has been since day one.

    Now, I wonder what everyone else wrote... (reading back now).

    • I respect this. you are right I chose to be with her and this includes her children. All I'm asking for is a little flexibilityHijoDMaite
    • in case I get accepted to Columbia.HijoDMaite
    • If you want her to move with you, and she has a kid, I think it's fair to ask for marriage. Thats a big life change for her + baby.shellie
    • her kid you know? I kind of see where she's coming from. shes saying piss or get off the pot, if you want her to be down.shellie
    • zenmasterfoo had the best advice btw.shellie

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