Detained for photography in Baltimore

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • prophetone0

    “Do you have Maryland state identification on you?” the officer asked.

    This is where it crosses the line for me. They should be able to talk to the guy and ask what he's up to, fair enough, but that's where it should end imo. but to go so far as threatening arrest and asking for him to produce i.d?

    • They didn't ask for that until he refused to engage in a reasonable conversation about why he was therelocustsloth
    • he didn't have to engage in a conversation, as once again, he didn't do anything wrong.aldebaran
    • they can't ask for his i.d. no matter what the case unless he's breaks the law, am i wrong?prophetone
    • he was asking them decent questions about their reasoning and they were feeding him bad info.prophetone
    • they asked him reasonable questions in a polite manner and were met with obfuscationlocustsloth

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