Detained for photography in Baltimore

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • 37 Responses
  • fooler0

    1. He's from Portland, Oregon (AKA Little Beirut) where everyone is an anarchist/terrorist.
    2. He should be glad these officers treating him with some respect and dignity. In Portland, OR cops shoot first, ask questions second.
    3. That weirdo took pics of the new green line where I pick up the max.
    4. He did sound exactly like Milton from Office Space or Deaf Frat Guy from Howard Stern
    5. A Few years ago there was some guy in Seattle that was arrested for taking pictures of bridges.

    • 6. He did absolutely nothing wrong.aldebaran
    • 7. 1-5 are besides the fact and are excuses for police to side step people's right.Dodecahedron
    • 7. you're right but if you're doing nothing wrong shouldn't you comply to the officers request instead of acting more guilty and suspicious?fooler
    • #4: video says he's hard of hearing at the beginning...bjladams

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