Quitting after a few months?

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • NegativeSpace0

    I say do what feels right. If the new position is a great opportunity than go for it. If you don't like it now, its not going to get better. I went through the same thing last year. Started at a small agency, the location was great, everyone seemed really friendly and relaxed. 2 months in, the disorganization was becoming unbearable. Creative directors strolling in at 10 or 11 each day, their lives were centered around their work. I started to think that it wasn't the right fit for me.

    Within the next few weeks I kept an eye out and found an opening at a "less exciting" place outside the city. I took a day off, went through a grueling interview process and got the job at a much larger company. It was only for an 8 month contract to fill in for someone too. I took a chance because I had a good feeling, and surely for the moment, had to be better than where I was. I felt bad leaving the other company so soon, but I would have been hating life.

    The new job turned out to be awesome, great company perks, an actual career path and development plan and I got to work with like minded people who shared the same values in regards to work/life balance. Within 7 months of being there, I got hired on as a full-time employee. Benefits, pension, much better pay and predictable hours. Ultimately, I am really happy I made the decision that I did. Submitting my resignation wasn't fun...but it was worth it. Do whats best for you, be honest with the new employer about your reasons for leaving the previous place.

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