Ask Ur SEO Q's 2011

Out of context: Reply #54

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  • spot130

    hektor911, I'm not strictly speaking an SEO person like Trooper, but here is what I would do in your situation:
    1. Define your target audience and find out what they are looking for and define a number of search queries that you want to optimize for.
    2. Write content pages that answer the above with very specific details and word variations for the defined queries.
    3. Set yourself up with a Google Places listing and get it mapped and ensure you are listed in any local directories that are applicable.
    4. Pick a domain that has the keywords in it like and ensure that your page titles are meaningful and that you have web-friendly URL's checked in WP.
    5. Ensure you have a Google XML site map.
    6. Offer value to your visitors!! People always think, "how can I get people to come to my site" but never, "what can I offer people who come to my site". Content can have value, freebies have value, great images have value, but you MUST have something of value to offer your visitors.
    7. Finally, sell your site. SEO is one small part of a marketing campaign and if you focus too much on SEO and not enough on selling you will have marginal results.

    I built and manage websites that get well over 10,000 visitors a day and the success of these sites has nothing to do with 2 levels of directories, short parameters or % of home page links, etc.

    I would love to see some case studies or real data that show, for example, changing your footer nav to be written by js improved traffic or that having 30% deep links on your home page does anything but I have not so far. Trooper, any chance you can share some of your SEO technique sources?

    • thanks a lot spot, that really helps right now we register to google analytics great toolhektor911
    • np :)spot13

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