Design Review Software

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • voiceof0

    @freshnoob We have weekly meetings but if I were to add discussions into every little gripe someone had about the site/courseware and expected them to keep a log of all the pages they found it on we would never leave.

    Maybe our situation is a little unique in that there will always be at least 5 people (usually more) on the client side with an equal say in the project all located across the country (U.S.) and rarely where we are and all reviewing at separate times (dependent on their schedule) so the software and comments utility really helps keep things organized on our end and theirs. It also allows us to track changes and notes to hundreds of pages based on comment reviews so every change is documented all in one central location. We are using something that does this now but it's not what I know it could be better.

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