Dating Sites

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • orrinward0

    I know people that use AdultFriendFinder, and quite successfully. They say it is pretty discreet as well, which is good as they happen to be married.

    I tried online dating for shits and giggles a few years ago before meeting my partner (not through internet dating) and generally didn't have much success. Went on about 10 dates and only clicked on any form of social level with one girl, and then again I would only see it as a short-term friendship.

    Worst of the bunch was a girl who suggested we go to a Chinese restaurant and then complained that they didn't sell chips, and was pretty much silent the whole time. She was just too shy to talk to me after the first hello really. One word answers to everything. No eye contact. The table was pretty much vibrating due to her nervous foot-tapping.

    That said, I know people that have had a lot of success, and online-dating is more and more common among 'normals' now, and when I decided to give it a go it seemed exclusively used by the socially awkward.

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