Trump Branding and the Birther Romanticists

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • dibec0

    If you people do not realize what is happening to this nation, God save your souls. For the last 10 years, possibly may turn into 16 ... we are being torn by both extremes. A emphatic showcase of liberal and conservative values. Most of you pick your damn side and fight for it, without even stepping outside of your blue and red colors to see the big picture. This nation is collapsing. America is bleeding within. We have a no-balls President who does not know what he is doing, and just prior we had a village-town-idiot with a six-shooter. I love this country, people get so involved with the politics and the finger pointing that issue is lost in political smoke screen. This nation is founded on empowering it's people. Yet we have conceded to letting the people we put in office to run our nation, when it should the people that run the nation.

    " America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. "
    Abraham Lincoln

    /wake up. ffs.

    • also does not help that someone like a Trump .. a vulgar human being is dividing a country up for his own gainsRamanisky2

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