Android to own 50% of smartphone marketshare by 2012

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • Boz0

    The marketshare of Android has several important aspects..

    The fact that Android will be present on so many platforms ensures that those build platforms and apps to take advantage of mobile devices will now have a huge market.

    The potential for profit will be huge and much bigger than on other platforms because of the reach alone.

    It will ensure that Android is going to be on TVs, new tablets, phones and that consumers and audience in general will be most likely using it..

    So this all takes us to the development and design for these platforms.

    To let emexbcn know.. the reason why I post about Flash is mostly because of performance and hair-raising speeds that Molehill is bringing, especially the benefit for developing apps for various devices running Android (including tablets, TVs, phones as well as iOS)..

    There are millions and millions of Flash developers and I'm betting a ton of people on QBN who benefit from knowing shit like that.

    I don't post HTML5 shit because there's plenty of that already and they all look the same (scrolling sites and all that).

    I'm trying to bring in some technical information that will actually benefit people and try to have relevant technical discussions..

    The problem is that there's a bunch of douches here who seemingly can't have a normal discussion or suffer from "I know everything best" syndrom..

    • Flash/AIR is still going to be the nicest environment to build apps for Android devices for designers and interactive guys.Boz
    • You are missing the point, share man, not preach and call people fanboy would do enoughernexbcn
    • I don't like flash on Android .. it's nowhere near ideal. Ditto for Air.lukus_W2
    • 10.2 player (along with new 10.3) and AIR 2.6 the performance is fantastic though.. You will need Flash CS5.5 to do some new magic for iOS if you don't want to hack CS5 installation and AIR SDK forlders nad stuff.Boz
    • CS5.5 to use Air 2.6 with packager for iOS and all the new features.. (CS 5.5 is something real soon and i mean REALLY soon - can't say more then that), so you can really make stuff easy.Boz
    • mean REALLY soon - can't say more then that), so you can really make stuff easy.Boz

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