GoDaddy Shoots Elephant

Out of context: Reply #110

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    so you're saying if i am a hunter and have the means/ability, I am to buy processed food for the homeless to eat at a marked up cost, instead of simply killing an animal and having it's meat processed for consumption which could come at both a lesser cost and a bit of sport/excitement to enjoy, and greater nutritional gain for the recipients as it is natural as opposed to processed. keep in mind you pay for the tag through the gaming system so the kill is sanctioned.

    keep in mind we are from a culture that has free range chicken... meaning it is allowed to wander around freely as if to feel a sense of natural existence, alas it is a lie, it is only being fed organic grain and abiding to standards set forth by men so that it can be certified free range organic. this mass genocide of pork, beef, poultry, etc is a far greater atrocity in numerous areas including, animal cruelty, health hazards, added ingredients, genetic mutation through science etc, yet this is the food we consume.

    no one here knows what it's like to have an elephant trample their fields let alone fear one trampling you as some farmers were while attempting to defend their crops. it should also be noted the elephant was shot on the fourth night after three unsuccessful attempts at preventing the elephants late night raids the preceding days.

    • You've not understood any of the objections in the previous 110 posts, have you ?mikotondria3
    • topic = glen beck.akrok
    • chickens, the other endangered species.moldero
    • why would i? i'll keep repeating my points, just like you do yours. this is qbn right?topic
    • No, I am not mindlessly repeating my comments, I am observing that you aren't responding to them.mikotondria3

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