GoDaddy Shoots Elephant

Out of context: Reply #25

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    What does everyone here care about Coltan mining? nothing? it benefits you though it strip mines 3rd world countries everyday, without Tantalum from Coltan most consumer electronics would not function. similar to the blood diamond you all so happily band-wagoned along with while the movie was hot and cool graphics were floating around.

    I know it's not that you care to bitch about elephant hunting, nor is there ever anything to bitch about Bob other than GoDaddy branding is atrocious, but put these to topics together and what we have here is a good ol' fashioned lynch mob, completely removed from the situation, filled with unfounded hate.

    What did you do to protect a crop or feed a village this week?
    Didn't think so.

    • dumb ass. they already destroyed the shit with their crops.akrok
    • you created an account to hide all your posts about being in line for the new new ipad 2Miguex
    • you and bob, nice pair.akrok
    • why didn't he stand up for human rights instead. that would benefit the people there.akrok
    • look at the troll changing the subjectTheBlueOne
    • akrok, do you review what you write before you type?topic

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